By Leveraging Medicare For Your Employees
Complimentary Discovery Meeting
Are Surging Healthcare Costs Impacting Your Business?
Let Medicare Pay For It.
The Increasing cost of healthcare negatively affects the bottom line – for your organization and your employees. Healthcare costs are the #1 reason for personal bankruptcies in the United States.
But there is a solution that has an immediate impact, offers better coverage for certain employees, and will make a CFO smile.
We are on mission to help employers and employees navigate the Medicare Maze and deliver Medicare solutions that are better for both.
The Medicare Maze
The Medicare Maze For Individuals
* Medicare has several components to choose from – A, B, C, D and Medicare Supplement.
* On average, an individual has 43 Medicare Advantage plans (Part C) to choose from.
* Medicare Supplement has 10 types of plans (A-D, F+G, K-N) and many carriers in each plan to choose from.
* Each year, the individual’s needs may change as do the rates + scope of benefits. So, one’s coverage needs to be re-evaluated at least annually.
* 9.5% of the American workforce will be 65+ by 2030 with different needs and desires.
* Medicare options vary by county and change year-to-year. Therefore, support needs to be personalized and ongoing.
* Employees are accustomed to looking to the employer for advice and guidance. Even more so for those 65+ given Medicare’s complexity.
The Medicare Maze For Employers
Health Perspectives helps Employers Navigate the Medicare Maze via Development of a Corporate Medicare Strategy Including:
Analysis of the target populations (ages 62 - 64, 65+, Spouses)
65+ attraction & retention strategy
Corporate Medicare Benefit design Development
Communications Strategy
Expected IMpact
Health Perspectives helps Employees Navigate the Medicare Maze via Personal Guidance on their Medicare Journey including:
Individual Meetings with Employees and Spouses
Personal Needs and desires Assessment
Medicare Enrollment Timing Options
Medicare and Group Health Plan Comparison
Ongoing Support/Annual Coverage Check up
Looking Forward
The Benefits of Medicare to Employers and Employees:
For the Employer
For the Employee
Address the Highest Cost Segment
Ages 19 – 64 = $9,154 Ages 65+ = $22,356
Up to 100% Offloading of Employer Costs
As Employees Switch from Group Plan to Medicare
Rapid Impact
Cost Savings Realized within 2 Months of Switch
Potential Reduction in Healthcare COsts
#1 Reason for Personal Bankruptcies
Clarity in Comparing Options
In Light of Personal Needs Assessment
Higher Employee Satisfaction
Assistance in Clarifying the Medicare Maze
Access to More Benefit Options
Greater Freedom of Choice
Free Ongoing Guidance
As Needs and Market Dynamics Change
To Schedule a Complimentary Discovery Meeting